We have a four day week this week. Friday there will be no school to honor Veteran’s Day. MAP testing will be held soon starting November 28. Hopefully the students are getting ready for [...]
We are now one month until our winter MAP testing. As a reminder, students have MAPPER assignments loaded on their Khan Academy accounts. These assignments are based on their Fall MAP scores. [...]
Our paper drive is still going on keep bringing those reams in. Make sure your name and the teacher’s name gets documented in the office. As a reminder for those students who have make up [...]
Our annual beginning of the year PAPER DRIVE is in full effect starting Monday, October 10th– December 9th. The class with the MOST points will receive a teacher reward for participating is [...]
Welcome back as we start second quarter. Algebra classes will notice that I added more videos to watch on their assignments. Please encourage your student to really pay attention to these. I [...]
As a reminder for turning in a late assignment: Write down or email me the due date and name of the assignment.Khan Academy will not automatically update the score in Infinite Campus so I will [...]
We are approaching the end of our first quarter. Please make sure your student has all assignments completed and turned in for grading. Keep in mind our class is a semester class so the scores [...]
Thank you to all who have signed up for tutoring this session. We had a pretty good turnout this morning. Again, during tutoring we provide a dedicated time to work on MAPPERS which each [...]
MAP testing is completed and the scores are in. Please be on the lookout for an email from the school referring to tutoring sessions offered for math and ELA. They will be sent home to students [...]
This week we will continue our work in Khan Academy. I will also be updating grades this week to include our first quiz. Quizzes are based on the classwork we do in Khan Academy. [...]